Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie (April 10, 1979 to March 16, 2003) was an American volunteer, member of the nonviolent movement International Solidarity (ISM) who was killed in the Gaza Strip during the Intifada Al- Aqsa being crushed by an Israeli bulldozer.

Student of 23 years in Olympia, Washington, Rachel Corrie went to the occupied territories and Israel. She enters an area controlled by the Israeli army and was crushed March 16, 2003 by a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer to the Israeli army in Rafah, Gaza Strip as she tried with other members of his organization to stop the demolition of the peaceful home of a Palestinian doctor.

The Israeli army said the demolition was to identify potential tunnels used to transport arms from Egypt.

One of the boats involved in the peace flotilla to Gaza, the MV Rachel Corrie, bears his name.

Circumstances of the death of Rachel Corrie
ISM members present at the scene of the facts, argue that the bulldozer driver deliberately killed Rachel, crushing it twice with his bulldozer. The young woman was placed in front of the machine, in order to be seen by the driver and thus urge them not to continue its path to demolition. This contention is disputed by the Israeli army. According to his spokesman, the driver of the vehicle would not have to, because according to him, she was in a "blind spot". The BBC produced a documentary called When Killing Is Easy, that supports the story that Rachel Corrie was killed deliberately by the Israeli army.

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